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Cassandra Star

Flinders University

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Dr Cassandra Star is Associate Professor of Public Policy in the College of Business, Government and Law at Flinders University. She is currently Director of the Climate and Sustainability Policy Research (CASPR) group and Research Lead for Flinders Government. Cassandra’s research is concentrated on the interface between politics and the policy process and the subsequent impact of these dynamics on policy formation. In particular, the ways in which stakeholders shape and manipulate the climate policy agenda is the current focus of her work. 

In 2021 she was awarded Researcher of the Year by the College of Business, Government and Law at Flinders University. Dr Star’s research has attracted over $AUD1m in nationally competitive funding, including Category 1 funding. She has been awarded visiting appointments and esteemed fellowships, including by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Dr Star is highly sought after to provide policy advice and professional development services to Australian state and federal government agencies.

Associate Professor Star is an outstanding, internationally recognised innovative educator. She is the recipient of eight teaching awards across her career, including two prestigious Australian Office of Learning and Teaching competitive National Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning. Cassandra provides significant leadership within political science nationally and internationally, including convening the Environmental Politics and Policy Standing Committee for the Australian Political Science Association.

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Tangney, P., Star, C., Clarke, B., Newman, J. and Nettle, C. 2021. “Climate Security in the Indo-Pacific: A systematic review of governance challenges for enhancing regional climate resilience”, Climatic change, 167(3), pp. 1-30.

Star, C. & Sutton, Z. 2021. Final Report – South Australian Bushfire Legal Services: Review of current practices. Climate and Sustainability Policy Research Group, Flinders University. Adelaide. [Commission by South Australian Attorney-General’s Department]

Star, C., Tangney, P., Clarke, B., Newman, J. & Nettle, C. 2020. Evidence-based coordination of national climate resilience: briefing report. Climate and Sustainability Policy Research Group, Flinders University. Adelaide. [Commission by the Department of Defence]

Cassandra Star. 2019. “Re-making the Future: Transition Movements and Environment-Economy Dichotomy,” Palgrave Macmillan (November 2019).

David Holmes & Cassandra Star. 2017. “Climate Change Communication in Australia: The Politics, Mainstream Media, and Fossil Fuel Industry Nexus,” Springer (December 2017).