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Christopher Kiyaseh

American University

Based in

United States
North America

Christopher Kiyaseh holds an M.A. in Political Science from American University, with particular emphasis on Arctic defense, environmental policy, and marine ecosystems. As an emerging Arctic scholar, Christopher excels in using an interdisciplinary research approach to inform his work. Professionally, Christopher has held roles in open-source intelligence and policy analysis.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States Norway Russia

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Climate law and litigation Agriculture Indigenous studies

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Kiyaseh, ChristopherThe Impact of Climate Change on Arctic Indigenous Marine Food Security. Democracy and Equality., vol.10, pp. 9-15 2023.”

Kiyaseh, Christopher. “Careful Precautions or Dangerous Misperceptions? Analysing the Militarization Strategies of the Arctic Countries Following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.Current Developments in Arctic Law (CDAL), vol. 10, 12 Dec. 2022, pp. 79–86.,

Kiyaseh, Christopher, et al. “Report from the USC-NSF Arctic Security Conference.” Arctic Yearbook 2022 The Russian Arctic: Economic, Politics & Peoples, 21 Nov. 2022, pp. 1–4.

Christopher K. Kiyaseh. 2022. “Climate Change, Opportunities and Obstacles: The Arctic Council, the Northwest Passage, and the Northern Sea Route.” *Submitted for Initial Review

Christopher K. Kiyaseh. 2022. “The Physical Impacts of Climate Change on the Arctic and their Role in Climate Policy.” *Submitted for Initial Review