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David Hsu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Based in

United States
North America

David Hsu’s research and teaching focuses on understanding the relationship of cities, the environment, and infrastructure. His work seeks to assist a wide range of actors — local policymakers, planners, advocates, as well as academics – shape this relationship through analysis of technology, data, and policy implementation. One area of concern is activating and coordinating local governments towards more aggressive climate action. David is currently working on a book contracted with the University of Chicago Press on governance of the electric grid, as well as on working papers on political spending, utility regulation, and federal, state, and local issues in deep decarbonization.

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Joshua A. Basseches,  Rebecca Bromley‑Trujillo, Maxwell T. Boykoff, Trevor Culhane, Galen Hall, Noel Healy, David J. Hess, David Hsu, Rachel M. Krause, Harland Prechel, J. Timmons Roberts, Jennie C. Stephens. 2022. Climate policy conflict in the U.S. states: a critical review and way forward, Climatic Change, 170(3-4).

David Hsu & Darryle Ulama. 2020. “Building the Energy Infrastructure Necessary for Deep Decarbonization throughout the United States,” Working Paper WP-4, The Roosevelt Project Special Series, Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Economics and Environmental Policy Research (2020).